Ashley Allison Urich

Date of Booking(s):

Ashley Urich Reason(s) for Booking:
case tracking agency
awaiting trial
vop felony
walton county sheriff’s office
3:41 pm
total bond amount
bond status
sentence date
0 1
1 felony
2 release date
3 bond amount
4 Court Room
5 docket number
6 bond
7 12/22/2022 4:42 am
8 Committed
9 total bail amount
0 No Bond
1 walton county sheriff’s office
2 disposition date
3 1
4 walton county sheriff’s office
5 scheduled release date
6 $0.00
7 2021-00001116
8 court date
9 walton county sheriff’s office
0 disposition date
1 1
2 walton county sheriff’s office

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