In downtown Fort Myers, Florida, as of 2024, only 24% of adults in Hendry County hold credentials beyond a high school diploma. However, Tessa LeSage, the Chief Impact Officer of the Collaboratory in Ft. Myers, aims to elevate this figure to 55% across Southwest Florida. Her initiative, the Futuremakers Coalition, seeks to bridge the gap by connecting working-age adults in Hendry County and beyond to opportunities that can lead to fulfilling careers.

The Futuremakers Coalition facilitates adults’ return to education to enhance their job prospects by addressing various barriers, including financial constraints, childcare responsibilities, and transportation challenges. Troy Evans, a resident of Clewiston, turned to the Futuremakers Coalition when he struggled to find meaningful employment in his hometown.

Facing limited job prospects in retail, Evans pursued further education. With the assistance of the program, he enrolled in the Heavy Machinery Service Technician program at iTECH Glades technical school. The Futuremakers Coalition provided practical support, such as gas cards to alleviate transportation costs for Evans, who commuted to school from outside the area.

Now, Evans is gaining valuable experience through an internship with Herc Rentals, where he has been working for nine months as a technician. LeSage takes pride in success stories like Evans’, emphasizing the fulfillment derived from assisting adults in re-engaging with education to secure well-paying jobs in Southwest Florida.

For Evans, his current position is more than just a job; it marks the beginning of a promising career. He reflects on the satisfaction of problem-solving, expressing gratitude for the opportunities provided by the Futuremakers Coalition.

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