In North Port, Florida, the North Port Police Department finds itself in the midst of a critical emergency, akin to a 911 call of its own.

Deputy Chief of Police Chris Morales revealed to North Port’s Community Correspondent Victoria Scott that the station is operating at a staggering 185% over capacity.

“We are out of space here at headquarters,” Morales emphasized, shedding light on the issue that first surfaced in 2017 when the Property and Evidence Crime Scene division began grappling with storage constraints.

However, this space crunch extends beyond mere storage concerns.

“We’ve turned closets into offices. We’ve turned conference rooms into offices. We’ve turned what were once holding cells into storage for property evidence,” explained Deputy Chief Morales.

In a bid to alleviate the strain, police officials are exploring the possibility of deploying portable trailers in the rear parking lot. Yet, they acknowledge that this solution comes with its own set of logistical challenges.

“There’s going to need to be added security measures, re-fencing, and some re-positioning of equipment and logistics to have these trailers put in place here in the back of headquarters,” noted Morales.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, North Port leaders are actively working on comprehensive plans for a new facility. One proposed option carries a price tag of approximately $122 million, contingent upon voter approval through millage rates or bonds.

“The biggest thing before all of that happens is the voters will have to approve if they’re going to help pay for this through millage rates or bonds,” stated North Port Commissioner Debbie McDowell.

As the community grapples with this decision, Morales stresses the importance of prioritizing public safety amid the city’s rapid growth.

“When your growth outweighs your public safety services, that becomes problematic,” Morales cautioned. “You don’t want to be behind the curve; you want to be ahead of the curve.”

Residents are encouraged to participate in an upcoming town hall on the police facility, slated to be held at city hall next week.

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