In Naples, Florida, numerous influential female leaders hold prominent roles in our community. However, one position stands out as a trailblazer for young women.

“The Supervisor of Elections was originally established in the Florida constitution in 1965,” explained Melissa Blazier, the current Collier Supervisor of Elections. “Our inaugural Supervisor of Elections was Edna Santa, who served from 1965 until 1980. Following her, Mary Morgan held the position from 1980 until 2000. Then, my predecessor, Jennifer Edwards, served from 2000 until May of last year, totaling about 23 years, and I assumed the role thereafter.”

Running the Elections Office was something Melissa Blazier would have never envisioned doing when she first stepped into the office 18 years ago.

“A friend who worked in the office suggested that I apply for a position, and although I wasn’t particularly interested in our political structure or elections at the time, I found the idea intriguing. I was quite young then. But time flies when you’re enjoying what you do,” said Blazier.

Assuming such a role comes with significant responsibility. As the Supervisor of Elections, she safeguards the security of our votes and voices in Collier County.

“I feel privileged to represent women in Collier County. We are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to. While we have many strong male leaders in our community, it’s empowering to see strong female faces as well. Though our numbers may be lower than desired, I encourage other females to step up and consider becoming candidates,” said Blazier.

Offering advice to young women in the community, she emphasizes the importance of perseverance.

“I don’t accept ‘no’ as an answer. So, I urge you to stand your ground and ensure your voice is heard,” said Blazier.

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