Thaddeus JOSEPH-Fourth Breaux

Date of Booking(s):

Thaddeus Breaux Reason(s) for Booking:
case tracking agency
bond posted
In State Person Elect Trans Child Porno
walton county sheriff’s office
10:24 am
0 Committed
1 3/15/2024

2 1
3 walton county sheriff’s office
4 bond posted
5 In State Person Elect Trans Child Porno
6 walton county sheriff’s office
7 53
8 felony
9 24cf194
0 2024
1 3/14/2024
10:24 am
2 Committed
3 3/15/2024

4 1
5 walton county sheriff’s office
6 bond posted
7 In State Person Elect Trans Child Porno
8 walton county sheriff’s office
9 44
0 felony
1 24cf194
2 2024
3 3/14/2024
10:24 am
4 Committed
5 3/15/2024

6 1
7 walton county sheriff’s office
8 bond posted
9 In State Person Elect Trans Child Porno
0 walton county sheriff’s office
1 35
2 felony
3 24cf194
4 2024
5 3/14/2024
10:24 am
6 Committed
7 3/15/2024

8 1
9 walton county sheriff’s office
0 bond posted
1 In State Person Elect Trans Child Porno
2 walton county sheriff’s office
3 26
4 felony
5 24cf194
6 2024
7 3/14/2024
10:24 am
8 Committed
9 3/15/2024

0 1
1 walton county sheriff’s office
2 bond posted
3 In State Person Elect Trans Child Porno
4 walton county sheriff’s office
5 17
6 felony
7 24cf194
8 2024
9 3/14/2024
10:24 am
0 Committed
1 3/15/2024

2 1
3 walton county sheriff’s office
4 bond posted
5 In State Person Elect Trans Child Porno
6 walton county sheriff’s office
7 8
8 felony
9 24cf194
0 2024
1 3/14/2024
10:24 am
2 Committed
3 3/15/2024

4 1
5 walton county sheriff’s office
6 bond posted
7 Poss Control View Depiction Child Sex Conduct

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