Name of Accused:
John Mendezrocha
Date of Booking(s):
Charges For Arrest:
poss cs pg 1/1-b >= 1g < 4g
Name of Accused:
John Mendezrocha
Date of Booking(s):
Charges For Arrest:
poss cs pg 1/1-b >= 1g < 4g
Name of Accused:Gary Derstein Date of Booking(s):12/28/2024 Charges For Arrest:POSS…
Name of Accused:Abraham Valdezmerida Date of Booking(s):12/28/2024 Charges For Arrest:ASSAULT…
Name of Accused:Drayon Levi Chism Date of Booking(s):01/15/2025 Charges For…
Name of Accused:Eboney McDaniel Date of Booking(s):12/28/2024 Charges For Arrest:Charges…
Name of Accused:Stephenson Rinconbaptista Date of Booking(s):01/20/2025 Charges For Arrest:Charges…
Name of Accused:Vicente Barker Date of Booking(s):12/27/2024 Charges For Arrest:POSS…