Name of Accused:
Vishnu Lalloo
Date of Booking(s):
Charges For Arrest:
fta petit theft 100 dollars/more but less than 750/j.buie
Name of Accused:
Vishnu Lalloo
Date of Booking(s):
Charges For Arrest:
fta petit theft 100 dollars/more but less than 750/j.buie
Name of Accused:Sean Hester Date of Booking(s):12/27/2024 Charges For Arrest:domestic…
Name of Accused:Christopher Simpson Date of Booking(s):12/24/2024 Charges For Arrest:BATTERY…
Name of Accused:Javon Grier Date of Booking(s):12/25/2024 Charges For Arrest:DV…
Name of Accused:Thaddeus Posley Date of Booking(s):12/13/2024 Charges For Arrest:DUI-UNLAW…
Name of Accused:Elizabeth Bermudez Date of Booking(s):12/12/2024 Charges For Arrest:condit…
Name of Accused:Fariba Tasnem Date of Booking(s):12/14/2024 Charges For Arrest:BATTERY…