Name of Accused:
Mitch Braden Kanatzer JR
Date of Booking(s):
Charges For Arrest:
Probation Violation (for Felony Offense)
Name of Accused:
Mitch Braden Kanatzer JR
Date of Booking(s):
Charges For Arrest:
Probation Violation (for Felony Offense)
Name of Accused:Darren Thomas Keeling Date of Booking(s):12/23/2024 Charges For…
Name of Accused:Brandon Michael Rogers Date of Booking(s):12/22/2024 Charges For…
Name of Accused:Michael Justin Newton Date of Booking(s):12/27/2024 Charges For…
Name of Accused:Brandon Nicholas Roberts Date of Booking(s):12/17/2024 Charges For…
Name of Accused:Jeremy Tristan Ballard Date of Booking(s):12/18/2024 Charges For…
Name of Accused:Jason Daniel Pierce Date of Booking(s):12/26/2024 Charges For…